My mom has a humor book called "How Not To Act Old." And I should read it. Because the last time I acted 23 was, well, last Friday (but I spent aaall Saturday repenting to the porcelain gods of Maddie's apartment AND a breakfast diner for it), but before then, WHO THE F KNOWS MAN. My life consists of assessing the architectural styles of homes in my neighborhood with infant children who are not mine. And crankily yelling at the people who drive too fast on the Saw Mill. And talking about burial plots with my mom in daily conversation.
Welp, I've come to terms with it: I am old, and I could share my battle stories with that book's author for her sequel. Today I:
1. Spent 20 minutes on the phone with a woman I've never met before (she's running a health fair I'm working next month), talking about her daughter's college choice, running pros and cons of the two contenders, assuring her that she'll make a good fit with whichever college she chooses, and that her five-year-old sister will adjust after a brief rough patch. We discussed the merits of local public schools and if we think the property taxes are worth it. I think if this woman finds out I'm 23 she'll be really quite surprised. And that saddens me.
2. Mentioned watching the Today show during my presentation to the response of AUDIBLE LAUGHTER from my fellow classmates.
3. Came home, threw down my purse, and said, verbatim, "I think tonight I'll wind down by making an inventory list of what's in the freezers."
4. Repurposed funky-shaped jelly jars into awesome containers for cotton balls and q-tips and was more proud of myself than when Dr. Marks suggested I seek out a fellowship for my research proposal. Ok that's a lie. I'm clearly proud of myself beyond belief about that and hence that's why I had to find a way to work it into my blog to brag. But seriously, the jars look SO COOL and my bathroom has been TRANSFORMED.