Sunday, June 13, 2010

Conversations with Malka aka And Then I Cried #2

Malka is 4. I babysit her and her brother. I love asking kids what they want to do when they grow up, and what they think I should do. The responses are normally hilarious. Yet after last night, I'll never do it again.

Allison: Malka, what should I be when I grow up?
Malka: You ARE a grown up!
Allison: I guess you're right. Well, what should I be?
Malka. Nothing. You're just a babysitter.

...and then I cried

Thursday, June 10, 2010

How To Scare Your Mom

Today I'm going on the van at work to volunteer somewhere. Jovan parks the van at health fairs and such, and then people come aboard for condom demos, questions, pamphlets, etc. I wasn't smart enough to ask where we're going or...when we'll return...which led to this conversation this morning:

Mom: Are you home for dinner?
Allie: I have no clue. We're leaving at 4 so chances are we won't be back until 7 or 8.
Mom: Where are you going?
Allie: I wish I knew. All I know is that at 4 pm I'm leaving my car in a parking lot, meeting up with a black man, getting into his van filled with lubricant, and driving away.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Shh I'm not updating I swear

okaaaay fine I had to just put this up because Henry out-cuted himself Friday and it needs to be shared. I was bathing him (rephrased from "We were taking a bath," which is untrue as I am always fully clothed around children, thanks Maddie) and I referred incorrectly to a TV character, so he corrected me, and I apologized. Then I sang to him "It's too laaaate to apologizeeee, it's too laaaaate" and he looks at me with the most sincere eyes and says: "You ALWAYS get a second chance."

And then I died a little and took the cryogenic lock off my ovaries because maybe I will have babies.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm Sad

Because I think I have to take a blogcation. I have a lot to say and I love to say it; however, this summer semester isn't just kicking my ass. It's grilling it. In the center of the grill, not the cooler side areas where you put the food to stay warm but not overcook. Even though writing is therapeutic, thinking about updating the blog has become yet another "oh my GOD stress more to do!" thing so for now I'm just taking a blogatus. Like a hiatus. For a blog. I'll be back. Who knows, maybe tomorrow, now that the pressure's off. From all 3 readers...