Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Typical Saturday Night of a Broke Woman 3,000 Miles Away From Her Lover

I am trying to figure out the bus schedule to get me to grad school so I went to type "Where does the M60 bus stop?" and I got to "Where does the" and typed in "M" and immediately "Where does the muffin man live?" was the first pull-down link and this was 3 minutes ago AND I AM STILL LAUGHING. God I'm so lame.
PS If I recall correctly, he lives on Drury Lane

1 comment:

  1. indefenseofgettingoffSeptember 7, 2009 at 8:34 PM

    If you type in "Do you know the," the first thing on the pull-down menu is "Do you know the muffin man?" Out of all the things/people to be known in the world, the muffin man is the most commonly searched for. The muffin man is more popular on the internet than we are in grad school. Waaah! Indeed, he does live on Drury Lane, which always sounded like such a dreary street name for someone who makes muffins. If only "Buttermilk Lane" fit into the meter of the rhyme.
