My cover letters always boast about how I'm a people person.
I am not a people person. I am a dazzling hand-shaker and introduction-er (Oh, you went to college there?! Oh my it's so beautiful! You've been married how long? Oh that's lovely!), and you may even get 2 solid minutes of eye contact out of me before I need to run to a private corner, curl into a ball and be by myself. So after a full day spent in Albany today, never getting a moment to myself, I got on the bus, popped in my iPod and BAM Pure Moods came on, and...instant ZONE. Sometimes a little synthesizer and tubular bells is all a girl needs to recover. I should add that into my future job negotiations. "Yeeeeap, I'll need a bag of edible things that crunch and Enya's "Sail Away" on repeat after every presentation, can that be arranged?" God I love Pure Moods. Eff the haters.
In other news, winter has made my skin so dry that it's the consistency of parchment, and when reaching in the carton to get a 100 calorie pack of chocolate flavored Chex mix (yum), my knuckles merely grazed the box and consequently both started to bleed. Is that even real? I looked at them for a good 20 seconds wondering if that really just happened. It did, I have the scabs to prove it and now it hurts to dig in my purse for Lifesavers. What a tough suburban white mom's life I have. That's what I get for eating when I'm not hungry.
And finally, I have a bone to pick with JC Chasez's producer. Long bus rides yield deep thoughts, and mine of the evening was this: JC was always the most talented of NSYNC, and I will debate ANYBODY ABOUT THAT AND WIN, but Justin had the successful solo career. Why? He teamed up with Timbaland, collaborated with 50-cent, and clearly had a great producer pulling the strings. JC, oh poor sweet JC, fell prey to a producer whose vision was bigger than his talent, and thus we were stuck with "Blowin' Me Up With Her Love," which is now associated only with Tara Reid and trashy green highlights and...I think feathers? Was she wearing feathers? So now JC is relegated to judging dance-offs and like, guest starring on Secret Life of the American Teenager while Justin is using his ridiculous success to "design jeans" and "cure AIDS" and stuff. Thoughts? Who wants to pull a Gaston in Beauty and The Beast, amass the brawny village men who've had too much to drink, pick up an abandoned tree trunk and BREAK DOWN JC CHASEZ'S PRODUCER'S HOUSE??
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