Sunday, March 21, 2010

Whoever smelt it

Now this may only be a phenomenon known to me, but you know how sometimes you're in the shower and you notice a distinct scent of food or something not shower-related? And you briefly have a shock-and-terror feeling of "oh my GOD is this coming off me? Do I GIVE OFF this smell?" Although with me it's a feeling of power and grace because I'd love to constantly smell like meat/other odorous foodstuffs all the time. But tonight, it was egg rolls. And not a quick whiff of "hmm, that smells most like egg rolls." No. First there was that aroma of overcooked pork chunks. Then came the distinct layer of cabbage. And then, what's that? Delicious deep fried shell? Don't mind if I DO! (or smell).
So my new invention is shampoo, conditioner, body wash and shaving cream that smells like food. Not "Cotton Candy!" or "Brownie Decadence." I'm talking "State Fair Corn Dog" or "Brownish Slightly Burnt Area of Mac n Cheese."
Investors, speak up early.

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