Sunday, May 2, 2010

And Then I Cried

This blog has become sort of my outlet for self-deprecating humor...or often not I thought I'd corral the funnier Allie Sucks stories into the title "And Then I Cried."

I watched "Precious" Friday night after I put the babysitting charges to bed. What was I thinking when the movie concluded? That I was horrified by Precious's struggle, and how it compares to my adolescence? That I was inspired by her new devotion to parenthood and her own future? That with JUST THE RIGHT TEACHER anyone can learn? That Mo'nique is a great actress? That my gosh my golly welfare has certainly changed since the late 1980s? No. As the credits rolled, all I could think about was how I can find Mariah Carey's daily makeup artist and hire her for my wedding. And that I wanted some fried chicken.

...and then I cried.

1 comment:

  1. kati@yourmom.comMay 6, 2010 at 2:14 PM

    Apparently Gabby Sidibe is a huge raging bitch. Just sayin.
