Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Wednesday!

So this Mucinex pill I've been encouraged to swallow is approximately the size of a small votive candle. And because this medicine is apparently imported from East Timor, the little side label has about 2 lines of instructions, none of which say whether it is for AM or PM, or what the side effects are, or essentially if I'll die. Interestingly enough for my purposes, all it DOES say is that the product can't be crushed, chewed or broken. Hello, votive candle. I'd like to introduce you to my trachea- enjoy your experience getting lodged. Haha, that sounds sexual.

So here goes! T- one hour until lunch, when I will take this with food and my new anti-acne oral antibiotics, which Dr. Kaplan neglected to mention may decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptives say what the fuck?! And here's hoping the Mucinex and Soladyn and Gummy Vites and leftover pierogi/kielbasa don't interact and make me drop the baby this afternoon...or poop my pants.

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