Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cankles: A Manifesto

First of all, I still don't even think I know what cankles are. The concept makes so little sense to me that I'm convinced I must have the wrong idea. Maybe if I was in the know I would understand le fuss. But until then, I present, WTF: Cankles.
First off, why are guys so horrified? Why is lack of calf muscle definition so horrendous? I thought men wanted women to be feminine and not body builders. I'm lucky enough to have really pronounced calves, as in I have to really use some heft when yanking on tall boots; should I oil the suckers up when strutting at the pool to attract all the wang from here to the Mississippi??
And I can understand if you want a more defined calf- we all have our 'things'- I in fact go for guys with square heads. But to actually call a cankle gross?
You know what's gross? Sparsely overgrown pubic shrubbery. Sweat caught in fat rolls. Scabs. Off-color bodily fluids. Girls with mustaches. Guys who never wipe away their eye boogers. Morning breath. NOT a continuous straight line from knee to ankle. When men nix women because of cankles, the terrorists win.
And why are GIRLS so into this nonsense? I guess it's because cankles are something that, if you're lucky enough to be genetically cankleless, give you some sort of superiority complex. Like high cheekbones. Or non-knobby knees? Other examples are hard to think of because this is all.so.ridiculous. We just laugh with the boys and blame the girls who can't help that they were born with...a straight line from knee to ankle. Can I once again ask: HOW is this 'gross'??
When did this even become a "thing?" I feel like no one talked about cankles in high school. Yet in college I moderated many a male panel of cankle-haters while drinking myself into a stupor to make the situation tolerable. What's next? Someone has underdeveloped delts and EWW GROSS? No differentiation between one's upper and lower forearm, wrist to elbow, and siiiiick no way can they bear my children!? Gah!
Someone stop the madness. Explain to me how cankle-hating is evolutionary and how cankles signify low fertility or poor hunting skills or something. Or just show me, visually, why a cankle is synonomous with the apocalypse. Please. I'm waiting.

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