Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mid-Year Recap

So now that 2009 is more than half over, I thought I’d reassess my New Year's resolutions. Have I become a better person? Have I reverted to old habits?
1) Make eye contact when talking to people: I guess it stems from being insanely awkward (yesterday the hair stylist asked nicely for a second time if I wanted water while she mixed my color, and I said “no, I’m fine…I swear!” in the oddest, dramatically-paused, yelp of a way and she gave me a creeped out look and walked away. Just a day in the life.), but I often look everywhere but the person I’m talking to, so I look like an insecure 15-year-old. I might as well bite my thumbnail and slump over and get all up in the angsty. This is probably the one I’ve stuck to best, however, because even though I still suck at it, I constantly notice I'm doing it and try to focus. So if you're ever mid-conversation with me and suddenly I lock eyes with you like I'm the warden and you're the fake prisoner in "Scared Straight," you know why. But yes usually I look like a googley-eyed pipe cleaner (make that 39 pipe cleaners twisted together, see below) of a person talking to a corner blotch on the ceiling.
2) Eat for energy!!!!: Exclamation points because I had these grandiose images of me eating in the morning, waiting until I’m hungry for my next meal of granola and good healthy fats, and not snacking again until I’m hungry, which of course wont be until 6 hours later because of all those nutrients. So how am I doing with this? Hmm. How much energy comes from 4 servings of alfredo-laden tortellini? Where are all those healthy fats in an entire plate plus Joe’s leftovers of chicken enchiladas? Exactly. Two avocados in 24 hours do not promote health benefits.
3) Be less stingy: On any given day of the week I am clogging an aisle at the grocery store comparing the prices of mustard and using advanced calculus to figure out price per ounce in name brand versus generic. Target is my playground. Nuff said.

Suffice it to say there's been no personal growth this past year.

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