Rather than post to my online discussion section (no, I am not 'a Phoenix,' I am a ghetto wannabe Lion who takes the Easy Way Out, which as a title was taken when I wanted to create this blog), I thought I'd present some discussion topics here that have been burning through the gray crevasses of my brain.
1. When two people get married it would make sense to get on the same cell phone family plan, right? Or at least, in my case, to cut the cord and break free from my family plan that I'm still on and that my mom still pays $9.99 a month for or something (thanks Shel!). But Joe and I are on different networks and I'm sure our contracts wont end at the same time. How can we ever combine plans without one of us lurching through life for a few months on a GASP pay as you go plan? Is there a special Marriage Waiver that allows you to break a contract as long as you show a marriage license from the past three months? DOES ANYONE ELSE EVER THINK ABOUT THESE THINGS? Thoughts?
2. Why is it physically impossible to take more than 45 seconds to eat a banana or a string cheese? You can actively try to slow yourself down but seriously, time yourself, that shit's gone in under a minute. THOUGHTS?
3. A vast amount of people today seem to think it is socially acceptable to clip their nails in public? What do you think has changed in American society over the past 50 years to let this travesty occur? How can we, as a clean and considerate society, fight back against this evil breaking us apart from within?
4. Ever since seeing "Man of the House" in 1995 at the height of my JTT-lovin phase, I've always been afraid of my brakes cutting out when conveniently coasting down the hilly streets of San Francisco, like what happens to Chevy Chase's character. Why am I a cognitive fartmonger? Discuss.
5. Are crevice and crevasse the same thing? Why or why not?
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