Sunday, January 3, 2010

Tru Confessionz

It's about time to get this off my chest:

I hate "That 70's Show"

Why? I can't really explain it. It's not the decade that gets me- I happily watched enough Brady Bunch as a child to write a dissertation on complicated family dynamics and the importance of multi-colored sleeping bags. It's just that the seasons are so interchangeable...if it comes on I can never tell what season it is, what the plot lines are, etc. (I mean come on, 7th Heaven characters changed their hair every season to help me keep track) and I get fwustwated. I don't do well with frustration. It usually involves settling on watching something like Inside Edition or camping out in the kitchen and getting handsy with the cereal. Oh, and also, the show isn't funny.

But I've always felt I had to keep this to myself because it's such a fan favorite. I've never met another hater of That 70's Waste of My Time. I'm scared if I admit it in a public forum (well, vocally, and heard by more than 3 people), I'll get attacked. Like if I said to a group of 17-year-old girls, "Sex and the City is lame." Or to a group of 12-year-old girls, "I hope Justin Bieber's floppy delightful hair gets accidentally caught in a ride-on mower during a freak accident straight out of Final Destination." Or to a group of sassy gay men, "There's just no humor or adorableness to be found in The Golden Girls."

But no longer will I suffer in silence! You suck, "That 70's Show," you suck right on into the early '80s, and maybe into the 90's in Canada since time arrives slower there.

1 comment:

  1. You would NEVER say such a thing about The Golden Girls.
